RE: Syphilis - Symptoms and Treatment #1

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09 October 2013
disgusting pictures!!! why have such disgusting pictures on the net?
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17 July 2014
A very informative article...Protection is better then cure.....Always use condom whether doing vaginal, anal or oral sex....
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I haveittoo
13 August 2014
These photos are the main way I realized what I had, as I thought back to the presentations on the females back after the second time we had sex that night. I was getting ready to mount her the third time but from behind rather than on top and saw the conda latum on her butt and the lesions on her back. Three days later my lymph nodes were swollen and nothing has cured it in past two years. Such photos should be promoted not censored.
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11 January 2017
it is indeed an informative article. I got syphillis even after having safe sex may be through orals or through slight ulcers. Glad it was just 1/16 so immediately started with pencillin injections and medicines for its cure. I had a bad swelling and ulcers on the foreskin of my dick.but its healing slowly,guys its an eye opener please whoever u have sex wit, check if he has ulcers or cuts on his dick vagina or lips as these are the medium through which you will have to suffer your entire life. Life is precious so please not waster due to this silly things. Thankyou so much
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12 April 2017
So informative I no what to do and how long t recheck for tpha, rightfully drugs
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17 April 2017
i don't know where from i get syphilis, but few years ago i feel itching and black dot on my palm and underfoot. After that my wife feel a lot of skin problem on whole body like undermouth, virginia, hands under lips etc. After blood test doctors diagnose syphilis and advise doxycycline.
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Raj kashyap
21 July 2017
I also TPHA & VDRL positive since 6 months Starting time some red symptoms in my penis but present no any symptoms r her But still now my blood report is TPHA or VDRL is positive Please sujjest me Thank you sir
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02 August 2017
anonymous, evn i had that ratio of 1:16 its abt a month i got treatd through 3 dose of injections. Will i be cured?? Are u compltly cured????
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