What Can Eat When Pregnant?

Food can be dangerous toxins source of fetal development and potentially causing abnormalities of infections, such as, for example, toxoplasmosis. Therefore, most pregnant women need to adapt your diet to minimize the occurrence of poisoning that can cause negative effects in the short and long term in the baby's life.

Pregnancy and food
Pregnancy and food

Not only are the types of foods that need to be changed, but also how they are prepared. When pregnant eat the wrong foods, you are putting the health of your baby at risk.

In this article, we will cover in the light of current scientific knowledge, the most common questions regarding the types of foods that may or may not be consumed by pregnant women, including, without limitation, meats, sushi, shrimp, chocolate, cheese and peanuts.

Pregnant can eat raw meat?

A major concern in pregnancy is in relation to consumption of raw or undercooked meat, because they can be a source of eggs Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most dangerous infections of acquiring in pregnancy because the risk of generating defects in the fetus is very high.

Any raw meat is beef, pork, chicken, duck, peru, etc. may be contaminated with the parasite eggs. Fortunately, that eggs do not survive the cooking process. So meat to the point or well spent can normally be consumed by pregnant women.

People who have already had toxoplasmosis during life are immunized and are not at risk of having the disease during pregnancy. As Toxoplasmosis is a disease that causes symptoms in most cases, most people only discover that has been contaminated by blood tests. So if during the prenatal examination you find that never had toxoplasmosis, it means that you are a likely pregnant, which should redouble care meat consumption.

Even if you have positive serology for toxoplasmosis, indicating immunity against disease, we suggest you avoid raw or undercooked meats, as well toxoplasmosis there are other infections that can be acquired by eating undercooked meat.

Pregnant can eat sausages?

Foods such as sausages, sausages, salami, pepperoni, ham, etc., are made with raw meat and, therefore, can also be sources of eggs toxoplasmosis. Therefore, they should not be consumed without prior cooking.

One way to reduce the risk of transmission of toxoplasmosis is by freezing of the meat, since the eggs of T. gondii do not withstand very low temperatures. The ideal is to keep the frozen meat for at least 4-5 days before consuming it.

Another risk of contamination is embedded by Listeria bacteria, which may cause food poisoning and increased risk of miscarriage or premature delivery. Importantly, the Listeria infection is uncommon, accounting for only 1% of cases of food poisoning.

In pregnant women with negative serology for toxoplasmosis, it is best not to consume raw embedded. If the desire is too large, at least only consume the meat which has been previously frozen.

Pregnant can eat sushi? Pregnant can eat raw fish?

The fish meat is not a common source of transmission of toxoplasmosis, but the contamination can occur if the water in which the fish was caught is contaminated with feces from cats. Despite the risk of toxoplasmosis be down as well as any other undercooked meat, fish can also be a source of food poisoning, especially if they are poorly maintained or prepared hygienically bit.

There is much controversy about the safety of consuming raw peixo, sushi type. In general, if the fish is kept at temperatures below zero degrees, the cold eliminates much of the bacteria and parasites which may exist, including the eggs of T. gondii. If you want to go to a sushi restaurant, opt for a high standard of hygiene and talk to the manager about the conditions of preservation of raw fish. Good Japanese restaurants choose to freeze the fish and then keep them at low temperatures to minimize the risk of food poisoning on their customers.

In addition, many sushi restaurants receive their salmon coming from "farm" of fish. In these places, the fish are bred in captivity, and the risk of water be contaminated with egg Toxoplasma gondii is virtually nil. The "farmed salmon" is safe for consumption during pregnancy.

Therefore, although it is very common to find sites that say the sushi consumption is prohibited in pregnancy, lack scientific basis for the ban. In England, for example, the NHS website (National Health System there) makes it clear that the sushi consumption in pregnancy is not contraindicated, since the above conditions are met.

Smoked fish are usually safe, however, this type of preparation does not eliminate the risk of contamination by the bacteria Listeria, which, as stated above, may cause an increased risk of miscarriage.

Pregnant can eat fish?

Intake of fish, especially if they are well-cooked, not usually a problem in pregnancy. However, some types of fish contain high concentrations of mercury, a highly toxic substance to the nervous system in the fetus.

The consumption of fish high in mercury usually is prohibited during pregnancy. Shark, swordfish, mackerel and some types of tuna are some examples. In some countries, like the United States, consumption of fish during pregnancy, even canned tuna, sardines and salmon, which have low mercury content, usually limited to two meals a week. This restriction, however, is seen by many doctors as overly cautious. In general, if the fish do not have originated in regions with a high incidence of contamination by mercury, its use need not be limited.

Pregnant can eat shrimp or seafood?

Shrimp, lobster and other seafood do not usually have high levels of mercury, and is therefore safe in pregnancy. Importantly, however, that shellfish are contaminated with bacteria very easily. Therefore, it is important to make sure that they are well cooked before eating them. Any raw shellfish should be consumed during pregnancy.

Pregnant can eat vegetables and legumes?

Raw vegetables may be contaminated with eggs of toxoplasmosis. Any vegetable that will be eaten raw should be washed thoroughly before going to the table. If the plant is thoroughly cleaned or cooked, it can be consumed without problems.

Pregnant can eat eggs?

Eggs are often contaminated with Salmonella bacteria, which can cause severe forms of food poisoning.

The guidelines regarding the consumption of eggs are the same as those of meat. Its use is permitted, provided that the egg is cooked. The pregnant should remember that some sauces, ice cream or homemade mayonnaise can be made with raw egg. Commercial mayonnaise and ice cream are made with pasteurized foods, which eliminates the risk of contamination by bacteria.

Pregnant can eat cheese or milk?

Dairy products may be contaminated with Listeria bacteria. Cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Feta and Gorgonzola, if made of homemade form, should be avoided. Any non-processed milk as well. Cheeses and industrialized milk are safe because they are pasteurized, a procedure that destroys the germs in food.

Pregnant can eat chocolate?

The chocolate consumption is not contraindicated in pregnancy. There is no substance in relevant quantities in chocolate that is harmful to pregnant or her baby, except for sugar. In fact, the only problem chocolate free consumption during pregnancy is just a lot of calories and carbohydrates that pregnant just end up eating, which can lead to excessive weight gain and its ensuing complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertension.

Pregnant can have breakfast?

Although also be a controversial discussion, some studies have shown that the excessive consumption of caffeine can cause abortion, premature birth and fetal growth retardation. No need to radically cut their caffeine sources, but today, most doctors suggest a maximum consumption of 200 to 300 mg of caffeine per day.

As reference a 50 ml cup of coffee contains about 60 to 70 mg of caffeine. A Coca-Cola has between 40 and 50 mg of caffeine. A chocolate bar has less than 10 mg.

Pregnant can drink alcohol?

Another controversial topic. Historically, alcohol consumption has always been contraindicated in pregnancy. We know that moderate consumption to heavy alcohol during pregnancy is related to various problems in the developing fetus. Alcohol is a recognized teratogen drugs (causing birth defects). But in recent years some studies have shown that mild or only occasional consumption of alcohol does not appear to cause significant changes in the baby's development.

The problem is we do not know what is the boundary between what can be considered safe consumption and harmful consumption. In fact, chances are that the answer is individual. What may be secured to some pregnant women can lead to problems in other pregnancy. Therefore, the world's Obstetrics Societies maintain orientation to avoid complement alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

If you just found out you are pregnant and remembered who drank a glass of wine with a meal or a glass of beer last night, do not worry, the risk of that consumption bring harm is virtually nonexistent.

Pregnant can eat peanuts?

Until recently doctors counseled their pregnant women to avoid foods that contained peanuts. We imagine that with this measure the incidence of allergy to peanuts with babies were reduced. Recent studies, however, showed that consumption of peanuts during pregnancy has no influence on the baby's risk become allergic.
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