AIDS is an infectious disease transmitted by a virus called HIV. To have AIDS a person must be infected with HIV, as AIDS does not exist without the presence of virus.
Here we selected the most frequent questions that have arisen in our comments section regarding the transmission and HIV infection.
1) What are the most common routes of HIV transmission?
Unprotected sex with infected people
Transfusion of infected blood
Sharing of contaminated needles
Transmission from mother to fetus in pregnancy
2) Can I get AIDS by having sex with an uninfected person?
No. This issue is still a matter of doubt for many people. You cannot get HIV from people who do not have HIV. If your partner is not contaminated, there is no risk of transmission. Intercourse does not "create" HIV. Likewise you cannot catch measles from the person who has no measles.
3) Can you have unprotected sex with a person with HIV and not get contaminated?
Yes, transmission does not occur in 100% of cases. In fact, in most cases more than one unprotected intercourse is required to have HIV transmission.
4) Is it true that a woman does not transmit HIV to a man?
No. This is a myth that probably arose because of the risk of transmission from women to men to be smaller than from men to women. Therefore, it is possible that men become contaminated with HIV after having unprotected sex with women.
5) Is a condom 100% protection against HIV?
No. The protection of condoms for HIV is approximately 95%. This finding deserves two comments:
If your partner is known to be a carrier of the HIV virus, there is a small chance of contamination through sex with a condom, especially if sexual relations are frequent.
As the risk of transmission through a single act of intercourse is low, condom use makes this risk practically zero. Therefore, condom use in casual sex almost guarantees that there will be no transmission of the virus.
6) If your partner does not ejaculate inside the vagina or anus, is there risk of HIV transmission?
Yes. There is no need to ejaculate to have transmission of HIV.
7) What is the sexual route that brings more risks?
Anal sex is a kind of sex with a higher risk of HIV transmission.
8) What brings more risks, passive or active anal sex?
Passive sex in both vaginal and anal route carries greater risk of contamination. This does not mean that the active partner does not take risks.
9) Does oral sex transmit HIV?
Yes. As HIV is present in secretions from the vagina and penis, the partner putting their mouth in contact with the penis or vagina may become contaminated.
As the saliva does not contain HIV in significant quantities, having the penis or vagina in contact with the mouth does not usually bring other risks. It is estimated that the chance of contamination when receiving oral sex is only 0.005%.
10) Does kiss transmit AIDS?
No. There is no sufficient concentrations in saliva of HIV transmission through kissing.
11) But if I kiss a HIV positive who has his mouth bleeding?
In this case there is a small risk of transmission, but it must be a visible bleeding. There is only one case known worldwide of such HIV transmission.
12) If your partner has a cold sore, is there a risk of transmission of HIV from kissing?
If no bleeding, no.
13) Does sex between women transmit HIV?
Yes, although the risk is much lower than with heterosexual sex or homosexual men.
14) Is there a risk of HIV transmission through anal or vaginal penetration with fingers?
Extremely low. If the finger has cuts or sores a partner can become infected. If the finger is bleeding transmission is also possible. But, again, the risk is very low.
15) Is contamination with HIV possible if a mosquito bites an infected person and then immediately bite me?
No. There is no chance of HIV transmission by mosquitoes.
16) Is it possible to transmit HIV through breast milk?
Yes. Breastfeeding is one of the routes of transmission of HIV from mother to child.
17) Can sharing sex toys like vibrators and dildos cause HIV transmission?
Yes. One must use a new condom on every object in the exchange with the partner.
18) Is it possible to catch AIDS in public restrooms?
No. HIV does not survive outside the human body in the environment.
19) Can you get AIDS by sharing blades?
Yes, unlikely, but possible, especially if the person uses a blade with fresh blood of an infected person.
20) Is it possible to get HIV from an infected person who is apparently healthy, i.e. without AIDS?
Yes, the fact that the person with HIV does not have criteria for AIDS or any apparent disease does not mean that he/she cannot transmit the virus.
21) Is it possible to get HIV through tattoos or piercings?
Yes. Any material that penetrates the skin should be disposable. If a person making a tattoo or piercing reuses the material, there is always a risk of contamination. If the material is sterile and disposable, there is no risk.
22) The blood of another person touched my skin, can I have been contaminated?
The contact of blood with intact skin does not transmit HIV. Just wash it with soap and water. There is only risk if blood contacts skin with sores or mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, anus or vagina).
23) Is it possible to get HIV through the bite of an infected person?
Yes. It's rare, but there are some reported cases when the bite causes skin damage.
24) Is it possible to get HIV through a scratch?
25) It is possible to get HIV through spit?
26) Do cough or sneeze transmit HIV?
27) Working or living with a person with HIV, should I take any precautions against it?
No. Unless you have unprotected sex, they do not contaminate you, even if you kiss, hug, use the same utensils, use the same bathroom, the same towel, share the same bed etc.
28) Do I need to wash my hands after having contact with an HIV positive patient?
29) Is it possible to get HIV through a purposely contaminated food?
No. This is an urban legend. Blood in ketchup, soup in semen, contaminated water etc. HIV does not resists contact with heat or other chemicals. Furthermore, HIV is killed by stomach acid. Worldwide there is no reported contamination by ingestion of the virus.
30) Can donating blood contaminate me?
No. Donating blood does not bring HIV.
31) If a person with HIV touches my penis, can I contaminate?
Do you have questions about HIV transmission? Send your inquiry. The best will be brought to this text. I have received dozens of questions about HIV risk in hypothetical situations. Some situations have many "ifs" that are difficult to believe they could happen in real life: "If the guy do such a thing, and if the blood is so and if the condom is roasted...". Risk has to do with probability. Risks are calculated through studies that accompany the repetition of a particular situation to get an idea of how often a new fact has emerged from this. It is impossible to say that the risk of hypothetical situations is unlikely to happen and that will not be repeated on a large scale.
Keep in mind the following statement: HIV is only transmitted to a significant extent through unprotected sex or sharing needles. The rest is lucubration. The rest is irrelevant risk.