Tips to Lose Belly

If you reached this article looking for tips on how to lose belly considering only the aesthetic side of the situation, lose a few minutes with us, as we will give you even more reasons (plus tips) you want to lose weight and lose a few centimeters from your belly.

Excess belly
Excess belly

Having a lisinha belly or a defined abdomen can be very good for self-esteem, making the most confident individual to wear certain clothes or expose the abdominal region in public. But there are more important reasons for you to bother with those love handles or the protruding barriganha. The accumulation of abdominal fat is not only aesthetically undesirable, it is also an important risk factor for developing diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Being a few pounds overweight and have abdominal fat is something extremante common. But the fact of not being alone (a) does not mean that accumulate fat in the belly is not cause for concern. Even if you do not mind the aesthetics, as with some adult men lose belly fat is important for you to be a healthier person.

It is important to bear in mind that those "love handles" in the belly that so upset you can not be only an aesthetic problem, but also a sign that you need to be more careful with your health.

Ways to accumulate fat in the body

Regardless of your weight and BMI (body mass index), how your body accumulates fat is very important in the risk of you developing disease in the future.

When we gain weight gain fat visibly and invisibly. The visible fat is one that accumulates under the skin, subcutaneous tissue. Usually the sites that the body more often accumulate fat are the stomach, thighs, buttocks and hips. Already the invisible fat is one that builds deeper, around the organs, being called visceral fat.

Most people is more concerned with the fat that they can see. However, the hidden fat, or visceral fat is one that most concern to doctors, because it can occur in non-obese people.

The way your body accumulates visible fat can provide us important clues about the formation of visceral fat. Individuals who accumulate fat predominantly in the belly, thighs and keeping relatively lean hips are those with the highest risk of getting visceral fat. Women very accumulate more fat in the thighs and hips than on the abdomen, usually have less visceral fat and less risk of cardiovascular problems.

Dangers of abdominal fat BMI above 25 kg/m2

Everyone who thinks he is overweight should calculate your BMI and measure your waist circumference with a common flexible tape measure.

When the BMI is greater than 25 kg / m2, men with larger waist than 102 cm and women with greater waist 88cm at higher risk of developing obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

In obese patients, BMI is greater than 35 kg / m2, measuring waist circumference loses value because the accumulation of fat in these cases is diffuse and certainly there is also formation of visceral fat.

If you are obese, there is no doubt that fat is making you ill. The problem is to convince those people just overweight and a protruding belly (BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg / m2) that their problem goes beyond the aesthetic nuisance.

Just as an example, in 10 years, adults with normal BMI and stomach without display 30% less risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to people with a BMI greater than 25 kg / m2 and increased waist circumference.

How to lose belly

Before we move on to how to lose belly fat tips, some points need to be highlighted:

1. There are no miracles. First of all, you have to accept the fact that there are no showers, special diets, formulas, recipes, pills or any other means that make you lose belly fat easily and quickly. While this is not understood, you will continue to give money to charlatans and accumulate frustrations. Not to mention the health risks that some "miracle" treatments to lose weight can cause.

2. The degree of success you have will always be proportional to the degree of effort that you are willing to do. If you want to lose weight without effort, the most you get is to fail without effort.

3. There is no way to lose belly without losing weight. The only exception is liposuction, which is not the right solution in most cases. No use to abdominal, buy devices that give shock in the abdomen, passing cream in the stomach, etc. Your belly fat is a body shape store excess calories you consumed over the months. To lose belly fat, you have to make your body consume more calories than you can store. Have to spend stocks, you have to burn fat.

4. Weight loss and lose belly must pass the binomial: exercise + control calories. If over several days you consume more calories than you can spend, you will get fat. On the other hand, if you can spend more calories than you eat, inevitably you will lose weight. It's that simple. There is no escaping it.

Diet and exercise to lose belly

It is important to understand that it is much easier to lose weight doing physical exercise than with diet. Restricting caloric intake may work in the short term, but if you have enough weight to lose, it will only take you half way. Many people lose weight fast diets, but after a few weeks are stalled unable to lose more. The most we can, and then with much effort, is not re-gain weight. This is because as we thinning, basal body calorie expenditure is also reduced, forcing the diet to be increasingly restrictive to work. Our body consumes on average 23 calories for every kilogram of weight. Therefore, people of 100 kilos have a basal spent 2,300 calories per day, while people 50 kilos spend only half that.

Example: a sedentary individual weighs 100 kilos and want to get to 70 kilos. At 100 kg the body it spends about 2300 kcal per day.
  • If over several days, he ingest, on average, 2300 kilocalories per day, its weight will remain.
  • If it ingest more than 2300 kcal per day, will fat.
  • If you eat less than 2300 calories per day, you will lose weight.

Therefore, if the patient makes a diet, for example, 1,800 kcal daily, it will lose weight even without exercise after a few days.

The problem is that, as he goes thinner, less his body the calories will spend throughout the day. A fat body requires more energy to operate. When this person to 85 kg, your daily basal calorie expenditure will have fallen to near 1800 kcal. That is, the diet that served when he weighed 100 kilos, will no longer be enough for it to continue losing weight.

At this time, the patient has two options: either switch to a more intense diet, with about 1,300 calories a day, which is quite restrictive and difficult to do, or it starts to do exercises to increase your daily spend calories. If your body expends 1800 kcal per day and the patient is still able to spend another 500 calories in the gym, your daily spend will be 2300 kcal. Therefore, the 1800 kcal diet will continue to be effective to make you lose weight.

Gain muscle to lose belly

Physical exercises have two advantages: they spend calories immediately and increase the basal calorie expenditure when we are at rest.

Ideally always combine aerobic exercise (running, spinning, swimming, step, etc.) with exercises for muscle gain.

The muscle is a structure that consumes a lot of calorie. Therefore, the more muscle mass you have, the higher the baseline expenditure of calories your body. While a kilo of fat consumes about 4 kcal per day, a muscle kilogram consumes about 13 kcal. This means that roughly every kilogram of fat you lose, your baseline calorie consumption drops 4 kcal per day. But if you can replace that kilogram of fat lost by a muscle kilo, the effect will be the opposite, you will increase your baseline calorie expenditure in 9 kcal.

Therefore, we conclude that, contrary to what occurs when we diet alone, as we losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time, it becomes easier to continue to lose fat and reduce belly.

So if you want to lose your belly, do weight training. It's not exactly working out the abdomen that will make you lose belly fat, but the overall gain of muscle mass in the body.

Tips to lose belly fat

Having understood all that has been explained so far, it's easy to keep the tips that I will now:
  • Give preference to more intense aerobic exercise to lose a lot of extra calories in the day. A spinning class, for example, can make you lose 500-800 more calories in a single day. This is aside from the cardiovascular benefits of having a good aerobic endurance.
  • Do at least 30 minutes of physical exercise and after another 30 minutes of weight training. The ideal frequency and 4 to 5 times a week.
  • Aerobic exercise less than 30 minutes long not help burn belly fat. In the first minutes we burn only sugar reserves. To get to the fat reserves are required at least 20 to 25 minutes of aerobic exercise.
  • If you can not or can not run, walk. Walking 30 minutes daily is sufficient.
  • Weight training can be done at any age, provided it is accompanied by a qualified professional.
  • Swimming is an excellent exercise for weight loss, because while it is aerobic and stimulates the development of muscles.
  • Make dozens of repetitions of abdominal exercises will not make your belly disappear if you do not lose weight. You can even create abdominal muscles, but as fat is more superficial, they will be hidden. There is no way to have that six pack abs with a large layer of fat on top, in the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Work out large muscle groups such as chest, back and thighs because, being larger muscles and easier to develop, they will make you lose weight faster.
  • Ask for help from a dietitian so that it prepare a diet with the right amount of calories for you.
  • Get away from fad diets. Lose weight and lose belly is no secret, it's just effort and willpower.
  • Avoid eating fats, fried foods, soft drinks and sweets. They get fat and increase your cholesterol.
  • Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per day. Our body uses more calories when we are asleep in deep sleep than when we are just lying, either reading or watching TV. Who sleeps little has higher risk of forming belly.
  • Beware of miraculous formulas. There are many so-called natural weight loss treatment that actually hide substances such as amphetamines, tranquilizers, diuretics and antidepressants, in its composition.
  • At the time of the meal, after every bite, take a sip of water. This will cause the stomach fills up more quickly, reducing the amount of food needed to satisfy you.
  • Never fill the plate. When we are hungry, we tend to put more food than we really need in the dish.
  • Do not feel obliged to finish the dish ever. If you are already satisfied, stop eating even if there is still food on the plate.
  • Do not long fasting periods during the day. Avoid hunger. It is better to eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day, with a few hours apart than 2 or 3 large meals spaced. Large intervals between meals slows metabolism and increase insulin release at mealtimes, two factors that prevent the patient to lose weight.
  • Eat slowly and chew the food and take short breaks during the meal. Give time to the body's satiety mechanisms to activate.
  • Do not eat dessert right after the meal. See if you really need it or if the dessert is just a habit.

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