Symptoms of Pregnancy - First 12 Weeks

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in 1st week of pregnancy? And what are the symptoms of the 2nd week of pregnancy? It can have pregnancy symptoms before missed period? When my stomach starts to grow? In that time there were the sickness? My body will change a lot? The first trimester is really terrible?

1st week of pregnancy
1st week of pregnancy

From the moment of conception until birth, a woman's body undergoes dramatic changes, like no other time in their lives. However, the pattern of hormonal and structural changes of pregnancy is often very similar between healthy pregnant women, allowing us to foresee and describe with some confidence in what time each sign or symptom of pregnancy often arise.

Still, pregnancy can be a very confusing and mysterious stage for women, especially for pregnant first time. It is natural that mothers have questions listed above, as well as many others that try to clarify throughout the text.

In this article we describe the main changes in the female body that occur every week of pregnancy by focusing on the most common signs and symptoms. This text is targeting women who already know they are pregnant and want only a kind of road map on what to expect during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is considered one of the most painful stages of pregnancy. We'll talk about the symptoms of the 2nd and 3rd quarters in a separate article, which will be written briefly.

We also have another article about symptoms of pregnancy, a little different from this, whose text was written thinking about the women who do not know they are pregnant, but suspect it may be due to the recent onset of symptoms suggestive such as menstrual delay, nausea or constant urge to urinate.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 1st week

In the 1st week of pregnancy you do not feel absolutely no sign or symptom of pregnancy. And you know why? Because, oddly enough, no woman is really pregnant at the time we used to call 1st first week of pregnancy. No, we're not crazy. We have to explain why.

As it is very difficult to know what day the woman ovulated, identify the exact moment that the egg was fertilized is a challenge. Therefore, it is impractical to start counting the time of pregnancy from an event that we can not identify. So in order to standardize the time of gestation of all pregnant women, it was agreed to call early pregnancy the first day of your last period that the woman had.

We will be more clear. Imagine a woman who has menstruated on 2 March of a given year. On days 09, 13, 17 and 20 March, she had unprotected sex, and your period should come on April 30 simply did not appear. This woman then do a pregnancy test and discovers she is pregnant. As the sperm can stay viable within the female reproductive tract for about 3-5 days, it is impossible to know with certainty which of the relationships she became pregnant. Therefore, we established that the date of early pregnancy is March 2, which is the first day of your last period, also known by the acronym LMP. A normal pregnancy, counting from the LMP has between 37 and 42 weeks duration.

Thus, the first week of pregnancy of the woman runs from the 2nd to the 8th of March. At this stage, the woman probably had not even ovulated but, for counting purposes, her pregnancy has begun. Therefore, it is impossible to have symptoms of pregnancy while still not pregnant. The woman may have symptoms of menstruation, but never symptoms of pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 2nd week

In the 2nd week of pregnancy you also do not feel absolutely no sign or symptom of pregnancy. And the reason is the same, you're not really pregnant.

To facilitate our explanation, we will continue using the LMP as the 2nd of March. The second week of pregnancy would therefore be the 9th to the 15th of March. If that our fictional woman has a regular cycle of 28 days, your ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, that our hypothetical case falls on the 16th of March. So the second week of pregnancy measured by last menstrual period ends and the woman does not even ovulated became pregnant with truth.

If the woman had a shorter menstrual cycle than 28 days, you may ovulate even before the end of the 2nd week of the menstrual cycle. In this case, fertilization could occur at this time. Still, it makes no difference, because the fertilization itself is not an event that causes signs or noticeable symptoms.

Therefore, any symptoms that women feel in the second week of pregnancy, is not really a symptom of pregnancy, but the pre-ovulatory period. Symptoms that may occur at the stage of ovulation include: cramps, breast tenderness increased, change in smell and taste, increased emissions and changes in vaginal mucus. Generally, these symptoms are very discreet and pass unnoticed in most women.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 3rd week

In the 3rd week of pregnancy you may even already be pregnant, but, in most cases, will not even feel signs or symptoms.

In our fictitious case, the third week runs from 16th to 22nd March. Let's imagine that ovulation and fertilization have occurred on March 16, the first day of the 3rd week of pregnancy.

The fertilization of the ovum by sperm occurs in one of the uterine horns and gives rise to a cell called a zygote (first phase embryo). Once the zygote is formed, it begins to move along the fallopian tube toward the uterus. This migration lasts for 6 to 12 days. This whole process does not produce any symptoms. Note that fertilization occurs in the 3rd week of pregnancy, but the arrival of the embryo to the uterus is complete only in the 4th week in most cases.

The first sign of pregnancy can occur at the time of embryo implantation in the uterine wall and is characterized by a discrete vaginal bleeding. This bleeding is minimal and lasts only one day, but as it occurs around the time the woman is waiting for her period comes, it can be mistaken for a period that came weak.

The implantation of the embryo in the womb occurs between the end of the 3rd week and the beginning of the 4th week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is perfectly normal you finish your 3rd week of pregnancy not being technically pregnant and not showing symptoms of pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 4th week

We finally arrived at the stage where the woman is actually pregnant. Only to locate us in time, the 4th week of pregnancy calculated by LMP corresponds roughly the 2nd week after intercourse which led to the fertilization of the egg and the 1st week in fact pregnant. At this time, the embryo is about 0.2 mm in diameter, it is composed of about 200 cells and eventually to implant on the wall of the uterus. At this stage, the embryo is so small it can not even be seen by ultrasound.

From the time of implantation, begins with the production of HCG hormone vital for the maintenance of pregnancy during the first months and responsible for the appearance of the first symptoms and signs of pregnancy.

The most obvious sign of pregnancy that arises around the 4th week of pregnancy is a missed period. But not always the delay period is quickly noticed by the pregnant woman. The first reason is that many women have irregular menstrual cycles, which makes it difficult to predict the exact date of the next menstruation. The second reason is explained uterine bleeding that may occur as a result of implantation of the embryo in the womb. This bleeding is quite different from menstruation, but some women end up confusing them.

The increase in pain and breast tenderness caused by increased blood supply to this area, is another symptom which appears early and often during the 4th week of pregnancy. Another possible symptom of this stage is to increase the sensitivity of smell.

In most cases, the 4th week is still poor in signs and symptoms of pregnancy, menstrual delay being the most significant of them. Eventually, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, feeling distended belly, frequent urge to urinate, tiredness and mood swings can occur at the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, but they are most common from the 5th and 6th weeks.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 5th week

The 5th week of pregnancy calculated by LMP equivalent, more or less, the 2nd week in fact pregnant.

At this time, the production of HCG and accelerates the blood concentration of this hormone doubles every 48 hours. Estrogen and progesterone levels are elevated, which favors the appearance of symptoms and changes in the prospective mother's body.

In addition to the sensitivity, the breasts grow and the nipple gets dark. Labia also tonam is darker. A slight fatigue, increased urination, mood swings, increased salivation and increased intestinal gas are symptoms that usually arise over this week.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 6th week

The 6th week of pregnancy calculated by LMP equivalent, more or less, the 3rd week in fact pregnant.

This week of pregnancy is often a landmark. The lucky ones women who made it to 6 weeks even without relevant symptoms, hardly reach the 7th week without showing any signs of pregnancy. Since those poor things that have started to have symptoms from the 4th week, watch a worsening of the same from the 6th week.

At this stage, the fatigue starts to become bigger, the trips to the bathroom become more frequent, even at night, and the famous sickness usually appears pregnant. Besides the nausea, the pregnant woman may start having cravings for specific foods. Food beloved they were before pregnancy may be disregarded, while food that previously caused repulsion can be intensely desired. If you see a woman who does not eat red meat having a profound desire for a Big Mac, you can bet that she is pregnant. Mood swings, fears and breast augmentation are also striking at this stage.

At 6 weeks, the embryo is still very small (it has even 1 cm in length) and the uterus has hardly changed in size. However, the pregnant woman sit with a swollen belly and may notice that your pants no longer fit you more as well.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in 7th week

The 7th week of pregnancy calculated by LMP equivalent, more or less at week 4 in fact pregnant.

About 90% of women reach the end of this week with clear symptoms of pregnancy. Besides the nausea, excess saliva, excess urine, tiredness, breasts that do not stop growing, the mood swings, the feeling of bloated stomach, you can even start feeling symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux. Worse, you can still get constipated.

Fatigue tends to worsen at this stage, and all that the mother wants most is being able to stay asleep in his bed. Dizziness are also common.

Despite the dizziness and restriction to some foods, chances are you're already gaining weight.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy from 8th to 12th weeks

The 8th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the 3rd month, while the 12th week marks the end of the first quarter. We'll cover this range together because the news no longer appear every week.

During the third month of pregnancy a woman already feels "fully pregnant." Symptoms that had already emerged that arise, and the tendency is that they will become more intense until the 11th-12th week, when the worst of starts spending. The sickness and severe tiredness tend to disappear after the 12th week. However, many of the symptoms remain, especially the frequent urge to urinate and reflux.

It is possible that the 1st quarter end you note the emergence of a slight vaginal discharge, which is light in color, does not cause pain, itching or odor has.

You know the story that the skin of pregnant shines and is wonderful? Well, you were wrong. Some women to stand with the softest skin and shiny, but in most, the intense exposure to the hormones progesterone and estrogen causes nothing wonderful changes in your skin such as acne, increased oiliness, hyperpigmentation, appearances of small vessels, the thicker and nail changes. In fact, hair, hair and nails can start growing quickly. The gums become brittle, and the occurrence of gingivitis is also common.

Some women report feeling the baby moving at the end of the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but that does not correspond to reality, because the fetus is only about 5-6 cm at this point. The more likely you are feeling the movement of gases in the intestines. The first actual movements of the fetus are only perceived from the 16th to 18th week of pregnancy.

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