Drugs and diseases discussion | page #6

05 April 2012
I was reading the article with the hope to find ways of treatment of this disease and wanted to learn about some new drugs, that were produced for treatment. But alas! You only supplied us with the information about the three forms of it. We need more!
05 April 2012
Something strange happens to my daughter: from time to time she runs a high temperature, sometimes alongside with coughs, but quite often it is only a fever. She stays in bed the whole day and the next she is OK. What can it be?
02 April 2012
It is really frightening to reach the age of menopause. My neighbour got really crazy because of it. She throws things out of the window and her poor husband can't be sure that when he comes home from work, he will find her at home. Doctors say that the reason for such a strange behavior is a menopause
02 April 2012
My grandmother used to give me sweet tea if I had any problems with my stomach. She made me drink a lot of water and and never gave me food. I think this was the usual way of treatment diarrhea. But now doctors think that children should be fed. Times differ!
RE: Allergy to Food
Total posts: 6
01 April 2012
Please help me! My husband has herpes, but it is not clear what type. There were three doctors who held a different treatment but nothing helps. First time he was injected - Tsikloferon seemed to help, but after 6 months period, when he decided to use Tsikloferon again, it didn't help. Different medications were prescribed but they did not work. (Cycloferon, Likopid, Famtsiuklovir, various ointments). Can you please tell us what to do, how to get rid of it!
01 April 2012
Has anybody heard about the drugs, that can be taken only once a month, or even once a year, and that can be used for the treatment of osteoporosis? Are they really effective?
30 March 2012
Hello. I am 34 years old, I have a 4-year-old daughter. My husband and I'd like to give birth to the second child, but for the past seven months we were not a success. I'm at a loss, because with the first child it was not a problem. And this time it does not work. Should I consult a doctor? After the first birth no complications, no erosion. In short, my husband and I are perfectly healthy. I need to worry? Thanks in advance for your reply.
30 March 2012
. Hello I received the results of echocardiograms. In conclusion, among other things, it is written: Regurgitation in MK (+) TC (+). What are the pros in the brackets? I won’t be able to get an appointment to the doctor soon, so I decided to appeal to the forum. Are there any doctors who can explain to me what it means?

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