Articles about drugs and diseases | page #14

Erythema infectiosum
Erythema Infectiosum - Parvovirus B19 The erythema infectiosum is a contagious infection of viral origin which is capable of causing fever and rashes by the body. This virus mainly affects children of school age, but can also reach the adult population.
Bacterial infections   Article saved: 07 September 2015
Fabry Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Fabry disease, also called Anderson-Fabry disease, is a rare hereditary disease, transmitted recessively by the X chromosome, the female sex chromosome. Patients with Fabry disease have health problems because they have a deficiency of an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase A.
Genetic diseases   Article saved: 17 March 2018
Fatigue in pregnancy
Fatigue and Sleep Excess in Pregnancy One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is an intense and apparently unexplained fatigue that often comes with oversleeping. Pregnant women in their first months of pregnancy tires up for everything and nothing and the bed always seems to be the place where it feels best.
Pregnancy   Article saved: 06 April 2016
Fatigue and Tiredness - Main Causes   (1 comments) Fatigue is a very common disorder in medical practice, usually described by patients as a power failure or discouragement to do tasks that require effort, either physical or mental.
General Health   Article saved: 21 April 2012
Hip anatomy
Femoral Neck Fracture - Fracture of Hip As life expectancy rises, the typical diseases of old age are becoming increasingly frequent. The fracture of the femoral neck (hip fracture) is one of many examples.
General Health   Article saved: 20 May 2016
Fibromyalgia - Symptoms and Treatment Fibromyalgia is one of the biggest mysteries of medicine. It is a disease characterized by chronic musculoskeletal pain that can affect a person from legs to head.
Pain   Article saved: 26 March 2012
First period
First Period - Menarche The first period of a woman's life is called menarche and usually occurs between 10 and 14 years old. At age 15, over 95% of girls have already had their first menstrual period, which is why this is considered the age limit for the onset of menarche. Girls who complete 16 years without ever having menstruated should be evaluated by a (a) gynecologist, so he (a) to investigate the reasons for the delay.
Sexual Health   Article saved: 29 January 2016
Some symptoms of diabetes
First Symptoms of Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is the disease caused by excess glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream. There are basically two types of diabetes, called type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes:
Diabetes   Article saved: 03 March 2018
Flu vaccine
Flu Vaccine - Benefits and Side Effects Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by a virus called influenza, which causes outbreaks almost every year at the time of winter. The colder the winter is more common often influenza outbreaks.
Flu and Colds   Article saved: 08 November 2015
Myocardial Infarction
Fulminant Infarction - Causes and Symptoms Fulminant infarction is one of the leading causes of sudden death. After a heart attack, the heart can stop working because it has suffered necrosis in an extensive area of your muscle or because a malignant arrhythmia has arisen. In both cases, the heart becomes unable to pump the blood properly, leading the patient to circulatory collapse, which is a situation in which the organs and tissues of the body do not receive blood properly.
Heart diseases   Article saved: 14 June 2018
Functions of Human Prostate The prostate, despite being an important organ, whose main function is the protection of spermatozoa in ejaculate fluid, is not essential for life. Patients with serious diseases, such as prostate cancer, may have this gland surgically removed, without this necessarily leading to major disorders.
Sexual Health   Article saved: 12 September 2017
Fundus of eye
Fundus of Eye Examination
The fundus of the eye is the richest and most detailed live painting and color of the situation of the arteries, veins and nerves of the human body, since in its visualization only transparent means interposes between the physician and the retina of the patient, except in pathological situations. The retina works as well as a window through which one can see the health of the organism in general.
Eye diseases   Article saved: 07 January 2018

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